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Nominate Staff for the Patient/Family Advisory Council (PFAC) Award

Group of people posing for a photo
2017 Recipient: “Baby Steps to Home” Parent Education Course NICU Team

The Patient/Family Advisory Council (PFAC) at Children’s National Hospital thanks those of you who nominated an individual, department or inpatient or outpatient team at Children’s National to receive its “Excellence in Patient-Family-Centered Care Award." This award was established to recognize and honor individuals, medical units or teams at Children’s National who have demonstrated an outstanding commitment to delivering patient-family-centered care.


Any employee, professional staff member, department or inpatient or outpatient team can be nominated. Professional staff who are PFAC members are exempt from being nominated while they are on the Council. Nominations will be accepted from all employees, physicians, patients, and families. A selection committee made of non-employee members of the Patient/Family Advisory Council will review all nominations and select the award recipient(s).

What is Patient-Family-Centered Care?

Patient-family-centered care is an approach to treating a child that is grounded in respect for a family’s role on a child’s healthcare team and recognition that both staff and family bring important knowledge, skills and experience to caring for a child. At the heart of patient-family-centered care is the belief that a child receives the best possible care when a patient and family work in partnership with the healthcare team.

The core concepts of family-centered care are:

  • Respect for patients and their families
  • Information sharing
  • Family participation in the development and delivery of each patient’s plan of care
  • Collaboration among healthcare team members

How to Submit a Nomination in Future Years:

Please provide a letter describing how your nominee best exemplifies the core concepts of patient-family-centered care. Letters should be no longer than 1-2 pages.

Email your nomination letter to


Mail the nomination to:

Patient and Family Advisory Council
Children’s National Medical Center
111 Michigan Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20010-2970

Your Nomination Letter Should Include the Following Information:

Nominator Information:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Nominator’s relationship with Children’s National Hospital

Nominee Information:

  • Nominee Name
  • Address (if known)
  • Phone number (if known)
  • Department of Employment/Job title
  • Date(s) of care given by nominee(s) and location (if applicable).
  • In a narrative letter (of no more than 2 pages), please let us know why you feel this individual, medical unit/department or team best exemplifies the core concepts of patient-family-centered care. In doing so, please list examples of how they have made a difference in your child’s life and the lives of others.

Contact Us

For more information about the Excellence in Patient-Family-Centered Care Award or a membership to the Patient/Family Advisory Council, please contact the Council at 202-476-6276 or email us.