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HIV AIDS Services

HIV Prevention and Treatment Program

HIV Home Care

HIV AIDS Services

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV infection means that the body's immune system may not fight off infections very well. Your child's body may not be able to fight back against illness, even a simple cold. Additional care is needed for a child with HIV in order to help him/her remain healthy.

Children living with HIV are seen at specialty HIV clinics regularly, usually every three to six months and require blood tests so their provider can evaluate the amount of virus in their blood, numbers of CD4 cells and other laboratory tests on how the medicine is working inside their body.

During the clinic visits, other specialists may see your child, such as nutritionist, case manager or mental health specialist. They offer screening and advice on how to make sure your child stays healthy and grows strong. They can help support your other needs or refer you to the appropriate resources, such as transportation for medical care, housing needs, food access and other relevant services. 

Please remember, our team is here for you and your child’s needs. Together, we will make sure that your child lives a healthy life and grows to his or her full potential. 

Keeping Your Child with HIV Healthy

One of the best ways to keep your child healthy is to use proper hand washing techniques. Clean hands help keep your child from catching colds and from developing other illnesses. Teach your child to wash his or her hands thoroughly at an early age.

Keeping healthy habits are the best way a child can prevent illness. 

Staying Healthy with HIV


Skin Care

Rest and Relaxation

Medication Adherence

Caring for a Child with HIV

Precautions Against HIV

When should my child see his/her physician?