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Gender Development Program

Parent Support Group - Washington, D.C.

The Parent Support Group in the Children’s Gender and Sexuality Advocacy and Education Program (CGSAEP) has been meeting monthly since 1999 and offers an opportunity for parents to share and learn from each other in an atmosphere of compassion, respect, confidentiality and mutual support. As parents share their stories, they learn ways to help their child cope and how to advocate for their child.

In addition to parent led discussions, the group provides activities that provide a better understanding of the child’s needs and an enhancement of the child’s life, such as:

  • Guest presentations
  • Reviews of literature
  • Educational materials

Some of the typical topics for group discussion include the following:

  • How to set limits while respecting the child uniqueness
  • How and when to advocate for the child at school or within the context other social interactions
  • How to look for appropriate activities that capitalize on the child's talents and interests
  • How to deal with the child's developing sexuality during puberty

The parent group is co-facilitated by Catherine Tuerk, MA, RN, CS, a registered nurse and psychotherapist in private practice in Washington, D.C.

For confidential inquiries please email us