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MRI Provider with Patients

Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology

Family Resources

MRI Provider with Patients
At Children’s National, we understand that families have many questions about their child’s condition and care. In addition to any resources your provider may give you, our online resources can also support your ongoing treatment journey.

Frequently Asked Questions - CT Scans and Radiation Risks

If my doctor requests a CT scan, should I let my child have it?

Is there an increased risk of cancer from medical radiation, especially CT scans?

What steps do you take to reduce radiation to my child?

Who do I talk to if I have concerns?

Information Sheets - Radiology Exams

These information sheets were created by our child life specialists to be child-friendly and helpful to our parents that will be having radiology exams.

Send Us Your Imaging Exams

Children's National Hospital makes it easy for patients, families and referring physicians to electronically exchange medical images and other health-related records with our providers before your initial consultation or follow-up visit. Learn more about this secure HIPAA-compliant service.