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Prenatal Cardiology Program Referral Guidelines

Reasons for Referral for Fetal Echo

  • Maternal risk factors
    • Family history of CHD, particularly in first-degree relatives
    • Maternal disease such as diabetes, lupus, PKU, hyperthyroidism
    • Environmental exposure, drug exposure particularly alcohol, seizure medicines, lithium
    • Viral infection
  • Prenatal risk factors
    • Cardiac defect noted on US
    • Dysrhythmia noted by OB
    • Chromosomal abnormality suspected by US or confirmed by CVS or amniocentesis
    • Syndrome suspected by US
    • Extracardiac anomalies noted by US including 2 vessel cord, omphalocele, CCAM, diaphragmatic hernia
    • Fetal distress/IUGR
    • Nonimmune hydrops, polyhydramnios
  • Indications for first trimester fetal echo
    • Increased nuchal translucency noted in the first trimester
    • Significant family history of CHD particularly complex heart disease in a previous child
    • Maternal lupus particularly if a previous child developed complete heart block
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Outpatient Appointment Referral Pads (PDFs)

Download the version you'd like below, or request to have one be mailed to you .

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