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Notes From Previous Participants

“It has had a significantly positive impact on my outlook [on] my future career and [has] given me the confidence and support to pursue my goals and aspirations. To see people who look like me pursuing a successful career in academic pediatrics is inspiring. Also, meeting people who may not look like me but are sincerely invested in improving outcomes for under-resourced populations and increasing the numbers of people who do look like me in academic pediatrics is very encouraging. I am so glad I decided to be a part of this program.”

“I always knew I wanted to become involved with health advocacy but this program certainly strengthened my resolve to do so. It was wonderful to be around so many like-minded individuals. I know now what my talents are and I built so much confidence during my time at Children's National. I really had an amazing experience. Thank you so much for providing me the opportunity to participate in this program. I know I will be a more confident doctor because of it.

“As I interview for residency programs, I reflect on my experience rotating at Children's National. Although the residency program is on the larger side, because of my experience with MSSP (Advancing Diversity in Academic Pediatrics) and the relationships I developed with awesome mentors, I feel more confident in my ability to excel as a resident at Children's National.  Being a participant in the program reassures me that if I become a resident in the program, I would have an amazing support system around me.  I also am considering critical care as a potential specialty because of my experience rotating at Children's National as a MSSP (ADAP) participant.”

“As a minority student exploring the best fit for me to continue my training as a resident and potential fellow, I continue to reflect on my experience at Children’s National and value MSSP (ADAP) for nurturing an environment that embraces diversity end equality with the ultimate goal of providing top care to diverse population of children."

“This program helped me to get a sense of what academic medicine is in practice and what it is like to train at a large children’s hospital. It helped me realize that I want to do residency at an academic center."

 “I believe that MSSP (ADAP) gave me an opportunity to become a more competitive candidate for a residency in pediatrics through the strong mentorship provided by their faculty members and residents."

“The most influential experience was meeting my mentors and having multiple people invested in me. I truly felt accepted and was part of the team despite the fact that I came from a different medical school.”

“This program is important to my career because I am interested in a residency program with adequate support mechanisms for all of its residents. This program reflects my mission to incorporate people of color into medicine, increasing minority presence in academic pediatrics.

“Overall I was thoroughly impressed by the experience that I had as a part of the Children’s National Minority Senior Scholarship Program (ADAP). Being able to rotate at Children’s National was in itself, an amazing opportunity and receiving the mentorship that MSSP (ADAP) provided made the experience even more memorable."

“From my experience, I feel I have gained more confidence in my abilities to excel in other rotations. This experience has broadened my horizon in the sense that I am more receptive to the countless possibilities for careers in pediatrics, not only in terms of different specialty choices but other ways to influence the pediatric community including education and advocacy.”