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Message from our Vice-Chair for Medical Education, Dr. Dewesh Agrawal

As the former director of our pediatric residency program (2007-2020), I am excited about your interest in our terrific program. The pediatric residency program at Children's National Hospital provides world-class education and innovative training experiences to pediatric residents in a nurturing environment that promotes trainee wellness in order to improve child health from a local, regional, national and global perspective through clinical care, education, advocacy and research.

Like most large residency programs based at free-standing children's hospitals, our program provides residents with extensive training in pediatric subspecialty care, as well as providing a superb foundation in general pediatrics. However, Children’s National has many distinctive features which contribute to our reputation as one of the leaders for the care of children and training in pediatrics.

One of the important attributes distinguishing Children’s National is our patient population. Washington, D.C., is a city with a pluralism of cultures, and this is reflected in our patient population. We provide care for children whose families go back many generations in the District, as well as families who come from around the country and the globe. Exposure to patients and their families in this diverse and multicultural environment aids in the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that our residents use as the foundation for excellent care in any future pediatric career setting. Because of this we have become a program committed to both global health and community health.

Being in the nation's capital, we take advantage of our location to provide educational experiences for residents in both the federal government and agencies dedicated to children’s healthcare at national and local public health levels. Our residents can choose to participate in health policy initiatives though a partnership with The George Washington University School of Public Health. Annually, residents participate in AAP Advocacy Day through the Washington federal affairs office of the American Academy of Pediatrics where they meet with policymakers on Capitol Hill to discuss legislation impacting the health of children. In conjunction with our Office of Government Affairs and Child Health Advocacy Institute, our physicians are instrumental in formulating important city-wide, regional and national initiatives that improve healthcare beyond our own doorstep. 

Despite the size and complexity of our program, we remain focused on the growth, development and wellness of each individual resident. Special attention is given to assisting residents in acquiring problem-solving competency, improving technical expertise and developing skills in leadership and teaching. Additionally, we have a well-developed advising system that pairs skilled faculty mentors with residents to help guide them through their training and support them on their individualized career paths. 

Successful applicants to our program seek to extend themselves beyond just the nuts and bolts of medical management. Residents in our program develop excellent teaching skills, interpersonal and communication skills and have opportunities to participate in research, quality improvement, child advocacy and health policy initiatives. At Children’s National, you will be surrounded by first-class residents while receiving world-class pediatric education and training. Graduates of our program are not only outstanding pediatricians, but find they have the foundation to become leaders in their communities, whether in general practice, academic medicine, subspecialty care or health policy.

I hope that you will strongly consider sending us an application, and I look forward to meeting you during your visit here.


Dewesh Agrawal, M.D.
Vice-Chair for Medical Education
ACGME Designated Institutional Official, Children’s National Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine
George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences

Dewesh Agrawal