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Our Residents

Primary Care Track Resident Accomplishments

Grant Funding Received:

  • Children’s National Child Health Center Board Resident International Travel Grant
  • AAP DC Chapter Resident International Travel Grant

Projects Presented at:

  • American Thoracic Society 2010 International Conference
  • Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting
  • Association of Pediatric Program Directors
  • American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting

Awards Received:

  • Student/Trainee Award in Education, Training, and Program Development. 2009 Children’s National Annual Research Poster Day
  • Frederick C. Green Pediatric Advocacy Award 2010

Articles Accepted for Publication in:

  • DNA and Cell Biology
  • JAMA

Resident Research

Many Primary Care Track residents will apply to have a half-day per week through the REACH program during their second and third years to work on a research project that will help to enhance their career development. Residents can also choose to use some of their elective time during their longitudinal elective experience to devote to the development and execution of their research project.

Project Examples

  • Expansion of Health Policy and Advocacy Curriculum at Children’s National
  • An Analysis of “Off-label” medication use in the Pediatric Cardiac Patients: A Retrospective review using Electronic Health Records
  • Withdrawal of care at the end of life: Have the reasons for requesting ethics consults changed over time?
  • Total Therapy Study XV for Newly Diagnosed Patients with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Effects of Induction, Consolidation and Continuation Therapy for Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL)
  • Utilizing Guided Communication Boards to Facilitate Caregiver-Provider Communication During Pediatric Hospitalization
  • Implementation of a health policy and advocacy curriculum at Children’s National
  • Development and field testing of a protocol to assess the quality of community-based healthcare delivery in Malawi
  • The Blackboard Project: How do Children’s National Residents Utilize an Online Medical Education Home? An Analysis Using the Electronic Medical Record to Teach and Improve Patient Care: A Model to Make Your Learners Happier, Your Patients Healthier and Your Life Easier
  • The Referral and Consultation Process: Ensuring the Competence of Graduating Residents